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Spindrift 2’s Jules Verne Trophy : Line crossed at 15:01 UTC after 47 days 10 hours 59 minutes and 02 seconds at sea

Yann Guichard : "This Jules Verne Trophy has been a series of firsts for me"

vendredi 8 janvier 2016Redaction SSS [Source RP]

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The trimaran skippered by Yann Guichard has finished its first Jules Verne Trophy, registering the second fastest time in history, and with Dona Bertarelli becoming the fastest woman to have sailed around the world.

The sailors on Spindrift 2 crossed the finish line of the Jules Verne Trophy off Ushant at 15:01 UTC on Friday, after 47 days 10 hours 59 minutes and 02 seconds at sea. After nearly 29,000 miles travelled at an average speed of 25.35 knots, Spindrift 2 completed the circle on its first voyage around the world by claiming the second fastest time in history. The crew, led by Yann Guichard, did not better, on this attempt, the time set by Loïck Peyron (they were slower by 1d 21h 16’ 09”), whose record Record #sailingrecord of 45 days 13 hours 42 minutes is still the one to beat. However, they were 20 hours 45 minutes 50 seconds faster than the time set by Franck Cammas in 2010, over this always demanding course. During its high-speed journey, the black and gold trimaran also improved three record Record #sailingrecord times (Ushant-Equator, Ushant-Tasmania and Ushant-Cape Horn) and held, for a few hours, the record for the crossing of the Indian Ocean. One woman among 13 men on this record attempt, and the first to complete a Jules Verne Trophy course, Dona Bertarelli is now the fastest woman to have sailed around the world.

The crew is sailing to its home port and base in La Trinité-sur-Mer and is expected to arrive there at 21:00 UTC on Friday night. They will be greeted by the public and notably the schoolchildren who shared the adventure, along with the families, friends, project partners, supporters and onshore members of this young Spindrift racing team, who have prepared a warm welcome on the harbour. After the arrival of the trimaran, the sailors will enjoy sharing a drink and some oysters with the public.

They left in the dark of night on November 22, and in the afternoon of January 8, just before sunset, the three bows of Spindrift 2 emerged from the great Atlantic swell with Dona Bertarelli, Yann Guichard, Sébastien Audigane, Antoine Carraz, Thierry Duprey du Vorsent, Christophe Espagnon, Jacques Guichard, Erwan Israël, Loïc Le Mignon, Sébastien Marsset, François Morvan, Xavier Revil, Yann Riou and Thomas Rouxel on board.

Yann Guichard, skipper : “The passage south of the Cape of Good Hope was one of the most important moments for me, but then, finishing in front of Ushant is also a relief. Not in the sense of liberation, because I wasn’t a prisoner and I really enjoyed this round-the-world voyage, but it’s time I have a little break. Of course, there was a bit of stress, but that’s part of my job.

This Jules Verne Trophy has been a series of firsts for me : going around the world, rounding the three capes, having so many days on the clock... And I really want to get back out there. The boat is perfectly adapted for this task, we’ll just need the weather to be with us. And then the South Seas, they’re magical. The Indian Ocean was rather grey, but in the Pacific we were treated to some incredible light when we went down to almost 60° South... But I’ll remember all the birds most : the albatrosses, petrels, fulmars and Cape petrels constantly following us.

My biggest fear was when we hit an unidentified object with the foil Foil #foil  : I thought we were going to have to give up. I’m glad we’ve finished because since Cape Horn - and this goes beyond just the effect on the record attempt - the climb back up the Atlantic was as severe on the boat as on the crew.”

Dona Bertarelli, helm/trimmer : “This ascent of the Atlantic has been long, laborious, and it felt like time was standing still. Fortunately yesterday, we could feel the finish line because we passed the symbolic mark of being 500 miles from Ushant : it was a special moment and I didn’t sleep much last night because there was so much emotion and adrenaline. Completing this voyage around the world allowed me to achieve the goals I had set myself, even if we didn’t beat the record for the Jules Verne Trophy. I have no regrets because the essential thing was to get back to Ushant as quickly as possible and we did everything we could to achieve that.

The voyage was a great experience for me because we all know each other very well and everyone respected each other’s individualities. It was really nice because it’s a team of real friends. But it’s also because of having been able, somehow, to exorcise my fears, those fears of plunging into the Southern Ocean or being so far from anything. Through writing articles for the schools in France and Switzerland and continuing to communicate with the world and share my experiences, I never felt isolated or alone on this adventure.”

Voir en ligne : Info presse

Spindrift 2 crew for the Jules Verne Trophy

  • Yann Guichard, skipper
  • Dona Bertarelli, helmsman-trimmer
  • Sébastien Audigane, helmsman-trimmer
  • Antoine Carraz, helmsman-trimmer
  • Thierry Duprey du Vorsent, helmsman-trimmer
  • Christophe Espagnon, helmsman-bowman
  • Jacques Guichard, helmsman-trimmer
  • Erwan Israël, navigator
  • Loïc Le Mignon, helmsman-trimmer
  • Sébastien Marsset, bowman
  • François Morvan, helmsman-trimmer
  • Xavier Revil, helmsman-trimmer
  • Yann Riou, media reporter
  • Thomas Rouxel, helmsman-bowman
  • Jean-Yves Bernot, onshore router
  • Simone Gaeta, substitute
  • Thomas Le Breton, substitute

Jules Verne Trophy :

Times for Spindrift 2’s Cape Leeuwin passage

  • Passage to the longitude of Cape Leeuwin (115° 08’ E) on Thursday, 10/12/2015 at 15:27:15 GMT
  • Ushant-Cape Leeuwin : 18 days 11 hours 25 minutes 17 seconds ;
  • 11 hours 25 minutes 17 seconds behind the time of Banque Populaire V ;
  • 12,295 miles covered at an average of 27.73 knots.
  • Start and finish : a line between Créac’h lighthouse (Ushant island) and Lizard Point (England)
  • Course : non-stop around-the-world tour travelling without outside assistance via the three capes (Good Hope, Leeuwin and Horn).
  • Minimum distance : 21,600 nautical miles (40,000 kilometres)
  • Ratification : World Sailing Speed Record Council
  • Time to beat : 45 days, 13 hours, 42 minutes and 53 seconds
  • Average speed : 19.75 knots
  • Date of current record : January 2012
  • Holder : Banque Populaire V, Loïck Peyron and a 13-man crew
  • Maxi-trimaran joined Spindrift racing on : January 2013
  • Stand-by start date for Spindrift 2 : October 19th, 2015


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