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Vendée Globe 2016-2017 : a hugely popular event and media success

mercredi 22 mars 2017Information Vendée Globe

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The results of the 2016-2017 Vendée Globe show huge increases everywhere : many more people attending the event, unprecedented media coverage and feedback, a record Record #sailingrecord level of international coverage without talking about the very positive race outcome in terms of the rankings. With 29 skippers lining up, 18 were ranked, which is a record Record #sailingrecord number in the history of the Vendée Globe.

V – A charitable Vendée Globe

The eighth Vendée Globe once again offered an opportunity to promote charitable, educational and humanitarian causes. These campaigns made the public more aware of these causes and encouraged their support.

Tanguy de Lamotte once again associated his sailing with his support for the Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque association, which operates on children from poorer countries. Thanks to his involvement, in spite of dismasting early in the race, several children’s lives were saved (20 children were operated on and saved following on from his 2012 Vendée Globe).

Eric Bellion conveyed a message supporting difference with his project "Comme Un Seul Homme". Eric wanted to share with as many people as possible his belief that difference is something positive, a source of innovation, where everyone gets richer and we should help people feel at home in firms and our society.

As for Yann Eliès, he supported the Leucémie Espoir Federation, a charity helping the sick and their families in the quest for treatments for leukaemia. This partnership stressed the work done by the Federation and allowed some of the sick to get away from their problems by experiencing the adventures of Yann and the other competitors in the Vendée Globe.

Thomas Ruyant flew the colours of the Souffle du Nord pour le Projet Imagine. This project aimed to throw the spotlight on people, who achieved heroic actions to help others without being in the limelight.

Finally, Rich Wilson backed an educational programme focusing on science, mathematics, history and geography. This programme was sent out and followed by thousands of youngsters around the world.

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